Silicone and Biopolymer Injection for Buttocks and Patient Deaths
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, board-certified, Harvard-trained plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, has received hundreds of inquiries from patients all over the US and throughout the world in regard to silicone and biopolymer injection removal. Many times these injections are used to augment the buttocks or hips, but they can be used to augment almost any body part including thighs, calves, lips, breasts, and others. These injections are frequently performed in larger volumes using less than sterile offerings by persons who have no medical or little medical training. It is important to realize that Dr. Kenneth Hughes does not inject these materials and most board certified plastic surgeons would not. In addition to complications such as infection, skin death, fat death (fat necrosis), inflammation, and pain in the areas injected, these injections can and have led to many patient deaths.
When Dr. Kenneth Hughes sees patients in his Los Angeles surgery center for evaluation, he always explains the multitude of complications that may occur in the removal of these silicone and biopolymer substances including fluid collections, infection, inadequate removal, fat death, skin death, tissue deformities, and tissue defects. These removal surgeries can provide life-saving grace to those patients who have no other alternatives. However, the best advice Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes can give is to never allow injection of foreign substances, especially in large amounts by persons with little or no surgical training.
To learn more about the reconstruction process after silicone removal with fat transfer and BBL, visit